
Adventure Works(C# and

An assignment from NAIT that selects a product and allows you to modify all it's contents using connected to the AdventureWorks sample database. It implements basic CRUD functionality, and features multiple lookups and basic front end development to make it appear professional. There were specific requirements for each forms implementation to showcase the different ways of doing things. Written from scratch and by myself to showcase my abilities with ASP.NET.

Sample of Adventure Works

This website(PHP, HTML, CSS, mySQL)

This page was made using PHP code as well as the Blog page to ensure a consistent layout, and as a showcase to my PHP skills. It's nothing too fancy but shows my ability to make a page in PHP with consistency and basic CRUD of the blog. This also uses a mysql database to populate the blog, demonstrating a basic proficiency.

Android Projects(Android/Java)

I developed a map application in android that will read your location and turn your wifi on or off accordingly. It was more of an exercise than actual application and wound up using more battery power than it would have saved. You can view the code here.

I keep more up-to-date on my GitHub